
Friday, February 1, 2013

2013 Race Season Preview

I love running.  I love it to the point where I will make time in my day to do it the same way some people make time for their favorite T.V. shows or to read their favorite book.  I’m also a very competitive person. I wasn't always, I was very shy in high school and often thought very little of myself.  Thinking back, that might be the reason why I’m very competitive today. The fact that, for so much of my life, my default was to think trying my hardest wasn't good enough so, I wouldn't even try. Whatever the reasons may be, I love running ,and being competitive therefore I love Races! Here's a look at my (tentative) 2013 Race Schedule:

Saturday April 20th Run for S.A.A.M. 5k

This hilly 5k will always be on my list because, it is run by a very close friend of mine, Theresa Cox.  Theresa works as a victim's service advocate (rape victims) for Montgomery County and all proceeds from the race go to funding projects for rape victims.  This is a very hilly 5k so, not for beginners but its also very fun.

Sunday May 26th Dirty German 25k/50k

I haven't actually decided if I’m running the 25k or 50k yet.  I ran the 25k last year and really enjoyed 
the course especially for a race in Philadelphia.  Unfortunately, certain spots on the course make cheating very easy so being competitive can be frustrating, but the amazing food at the end will make you forget all frustrations (and how tired you might be).

Sunday September 1st Labor Pain 12-hour Ultra

I’ve wanted to run this race since I first got into Ultras.  The thought of the finish line being a time not a distance is so astounding to me. I give distance races my all and sometimes can barely stand after ,but in training I often find myself wishing I was out to do more miles.  This should prove to be a very fun race (or run depending on how you look at it).

Sunday October 6th Blues Cruise 50k

This is easily my favorite race I have ever ran and for good reasons.  Amazing volunteers, superb aid stations, awesome course, and killer terrain.  The Pagoda Pacers know how to put on a great ultra. This race is my main event for this year, I am very much looking forward to it.

October 18th thru 20th   Runners World Festival

I've been shying away from road races as I don’t find them very fun (in comparison to trails) but the Runners World Festival is a blast!  RW Fest is a 3-day festival of all things running, there is a multi-day expo, seminars (from the RW editors) and guest speakers like Olympian Shalane Flanagan.  Also, let’s not forget, RACES! 3 in total (excluding the kids race which I’m hoping to bring my daughter to run) 5k, 10k, and Half-Marathon.  What I find particularly fun is the Hat Trick, all 3 races! While not an Ultra, only 22.4 miles in total, the breakup of the distances offer very little recovery time presenting a unique challenge.  I love a challenge so this is a great way to end out my year.

Hopefully, I will find some more races to run in the summer, there are definitely a few fun 5ks I’m waiting on for dates.  If you guys know of a good one I’m missing drop it in a comment and I’ll check it out.  I’m looking to do my first 50 miler next year so I’m limiting myself to a max of 50k for this year.