Simple Hydration
One of the biggest challenges for any runner, especially an endurance runner, is the logistics of carrying your water and calories. To overcome the issues with the latter I use Tailwind, but carrying water is an ongoing battle. First issue you can run into it is the plethora of options; there are handhelds, waist packs, backpacks, bottles, bladders, and it seems they are adding new options everyday; each have their various advantages and disadvantages. I currently use a handheld because I didn’t like the constrictive feeling of my waist pack, but it was nice having my hands free. Enter the Simple Hydration Water Bottle.

First thing I noticed about this bottle was the goofy look. I mean really, look at it! But, the more I did the more I saw the brilliance in its design. Not only does it fit comfortably in your hand, but the odd design also allows you to store it dang near anywhere. It can easily be tucked into the straps of your vest, or backpack or even on your waist pack, if carrying more water is your issue. But, the coolest place you can tuck this bottle is in your pants! Okay, let that sink in for a second... You don’t like being constricted by a backpack or waist pack, but you also don’t like having your hands full, this water bottle can tuck into what you’re already wearing. IT’S BRILLIANT! And simple, which makes me wonder why no one has thought of it before now. Admittedly, I was skeptical at first, when I first put the bottle in my pants I could definitely feel it there and it felt a bit odd but about a mile into my first run I actually forgot it was there. Amazed by this I took it for longer, faster, trail runs expecting it to pop out. Not only did it not, I again forgot it was there and I didn’t even hear the water sloshing around. There is a minor problem with the bottle and that is that its only 13oz. This will most likely keep me from using during my races or during my long training runs. However, for short to medium length runs or just fun group runs this bottle is sweet and definitely my go to water source!
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