A very good question was just posed to me by one of my guys. He asked why he is always pooping his brains out (gross I know but a very good question). There are several factors that can go in to chronic diarrhea and some of the fixes are easier than you’d think. (There will be the word poop a lot.)
Years of eating highly inflammatory, poorly digested foods can lead to a host of problems. Even when trying to eat “healthy” most people will consume large amounts of foods high in anti-nutrients. Anti-nutrients is basically a fancy word for the defensive mechanism employed by some plants to protect its seeds from being eaten. Ever wonder why you always see corn in your poop? Because your body can’t fully digest it and it doesn’t stop there, poorly digested food are highly inflammatory which, when consumed in bulk, can lead to a leaky gut or diarrhea. Think of it this way, your a hunter-gatherer strolling around the paleolithic world looking for some grub (you make literally be looking for grubs but for the purpose of this analogy I simple mean food) What are you going to eat? Those seeds that make you poop like crazy or some yummy root veggies that don't pass through me at warp speed? I know that when a predator comes looking for his next meal I want to be able to hightail it out of there and not get caught with my pants down (pun intended). There’s another advantage to eating those root veggies too. Back in paleolithic times water was for drinking not washing off your food so, along with pretty much anything you ate came a host of bacteria. Good bacteria that is, the kind that likes to sit in your large intestines and help you digest your food and get it ready for departure... POOP! Of course in our modern world I wouldn't recommend running out and eat dirt; who knows what kind of chemicals you’d ingest but 20,000 years ago that wasn't an issue. I would recommend, however, taking a probiotic which will help keep your gut bacteria at a good level.So, here's the quick and easy:
1. Don't drink a lot of water (or any at all if you can) when you eat. This will help maintain good stomach acid levels.
2. Go out and find yourself a good probiotic (I don't mean that activia crap).
3. Avoid all gut irritants. This includes anything with gluten, legumes, overly processed foods, and dairy.
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